Since the very first time that we began developing our solutions, we
wanted them to be easy to set up , modify and customize. When we decided
to start developing software, we decide to self-impose some strict rules
Easy To Install
The end-result application should be very easy
to install.
No Expensive Development
It should not rely on expensive software
development solutions.
Simple Customization
It could be customized using any HTML editor.
Hosting Environment :
he software should have the option to be
easily deployed on any shared hosting environment thus ensuring
that it will run any where meeting the system requirements.
Low Cost databases
The software should provide low-cost
and free database alternatives (MS Access for classic ASP and SQL
Expres for ASP.NETs).
Common Functions
It should provide a framework for common functions
(Cookie retrieval, login functions, configuration settings)
Look & Feel
It should deliver a common look and a standard
user interface
The user interface should be extremely intuitive so
that the end user will have no problem working with the application.
Easy To Use
The application should deliver capability without
Inline Coding
Coding should be inline so that it could be customized
using most development tools and allowing early adopters of the
technology to easily customize the application.
Shared database support
The software should be able to use a shared
database backend without interfering with any other database elements.
The end result : our patent-pending XLA Architecture
The XLA Architecture is a framework and methodology for developing software
products which is the core of all our software solutions. This architecture
makes it very easy for a programmer to customize the software, to build
new functionalities into it and best of all : using ANY development tool
without having to rely on the most expensive solutions (Like Visual Studio).
The same applies to graphic designers, as the XLA Architecture guarantees
that the application's look & feel can be totally modified using
any WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor.
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